Phrase in English | Russian Translation and Pronunciation |
What’s your name? | Kak tebya zavut? |
My name is John | Menia zavut John |
My surname is Ivanov | Moya familya Ivanov |
What a pleasant surprise! | Kakya vstrecha! |
Glad to see you! | Rada tebya videt! |
Glad to see you! | Rada vas videt! (formal) |
Look, who’s here! | Kavo ya vizhu! |
I have not seen you for ages! | Skol’ka let, skol’ka zim! |
Did I make you wait? | Ty davno zhdesh? |
Did I make you wait? | Vy davno zhdete? (formal) |
I’m happy to see you! | Rada tebya videt! |
Let me introduce my …. | Razreshitie predstaveet |
parents | roditely |
husband | muzh |
wife | zhena |
son | syn |
daughter | dutch |
stepson | pasynok |
stepdoughter | pacheritsa |
son-in-law | zhiat |
daughter-in-law | nevestka |
older brother | starshy brat |
sister | sestra |
younger sister | mladshaya sestra |
father | otets |
mother | mat’ |
grand-dad | dedushka |
grandma | babushka |
cousin | dvojurodny brat (male) |
cousin | dvojurodnaya sestra (female) |
friend | drug (male) |
friend | podruga (female) |
colleague | kollega |
partner | partner |
What is your age? | Skolko vam let? |
I am 23 | Mne 23 goda |
Are you married? | Vy zhenaty? (male) |
Are you married? | Vy zamuzhem? (female) |
I am … | Ya |
married | zhenat (male) |
married | zamuzhem (female) |
single | holost |
widower | vdova (female) |
widower | vdovets (male) |
divorced | razveden |
I have … | U meya |
one child | adin rebyonak |
two (three) children | dva (tree) rebyonka |
He (she) is … | Yemu (Yei) |
ten years old | desiat let |
What is your occupation? | Kakya u vas prafesiya? |
I am a doctor, my wife is a teacher. | Ya – doktor, moya zhena – uchitel’ |