Introduction in Russian language


   Phrase in English    Russian Translation and Pronunciation
   What’s your name?    Kak tebya zavut?
   My name is John    Menia zavut John
   My surname is Ivanov    Moya familya Ivanov
   What a pleasant surprise!     Kakya vstrecha!
    Glad to see you!    Rada tebya videt!
   Glad to see you!    Rada vas videt! (formal)
   Look, who’s here!    Kavo ya vizhu!
   I have not seen you for ages!    Skol’ka let, skol’ka zim!
   Did I make you wait?    Ty davno zhdesh?
   Did I make you wait?    Vy davno zhdete? (formal)
   I’m happy to see you!    Rada tebya videt!
   Let me introduce my ….    Razreshitie predstaveet
   parents    roditely
   husband    muzh
   wife    zhena
   son    syn
   daughter    dutch
   stepson    pasynok
   stepdoughter    pacheritsa
   son-in-law    zhiat
   daughter-in-law    nevestka
   older brother    starshy brat
   sister    sestra
   younger sister    mladshaya sestra
   father    otets
   mother    mat’
   grand-dad    dedushka
   grandma    babushka
   cousin    dvojurodny brat (male)
   cousin    dvojurodnaya sestra (female)
   friend    drug (male)
   friend    podruga (female)
   colleague    kollega
   partner    partner
   What is your age?    Skolko vam let?
   I am 23    Mne 23 goda
   Are you married?    Vy zhenaty? (male)
   Are you married?    Vy zamuzhem? (female)
   I am …    Ya
   married    zhenat (male)
   married    zamuzhem (female)
   single    holost
   widower    vdova (female)
   widower    vdovets (male)
   divorced    razveden
   I have …    U meya
   one child    adin rebyonak
   two (three) children    dva (tree) rebyonka
   He (she) is …    Yemu (Yei)
   ten years old    desiat let
   What is your occupation?    Kakya u vas prafesiya?
   I am a doctor, my wife is a teacher.    Ya – doktor, moya zhena – uchitel’
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Russian Translation